Sunday, 30 August 2009

LA/TM-049 Holtankollen

Hans-Petter LA6GOA is leading the Grenland Net on 80m every Sunday and he asked me to join him to Holtankollen today as he wanted to do the net from a portable location. I worked Aage LA1ENA on 40m and Kjell LA1KHA on 2m before the check in. Hans-Petter used LA1G, the callsign of the local radio club and worked 4 local stations during the net.

7MHz: 1 QSO
144MHz: 1 QSL

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

LA/TM-013 Vestre Vealøs

Our local radio club, Grenlandgruppen av NRRL, arranged a trip to Vestre Vealøs to look after our repeater QTH. Aage LA1ENA and I decided to activate the summit even though both of us had activated it already this year.

We also managed to get Torkel LA9ZMA to activate his first summit! Congratulations! Aage and I started the descent early to get out of the AZ to give Torkel the two last contacts he needed to qualify the summit.

We all worked Kjell LA1KHA who was activating LA/TM-049.

The conditions on HF were rather poor and both Aage and I only managed to get a few contacts.

Photo: Aage LA1ENA (left) and Torkel LA9ZMA (right)

14MHz: 2 QSOs
144MHz: 1 QSO
DXCCs: S5, G, LA
S2S: LA1KHA/P on LA/TM-049

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

LA/TM-049 Holtankollen

Norby LX1NO is in Norway on vacation with his family. Aage LA1ENA and myself met them near Skien Fritidspark and escorted them to a parking spot suitable for the RV near Holtankollen.

When we were done setting up the rigs Kjell LA1KHA also arrived at the summit.

While Norby was QRV on 40m I worked 7 stations on 20m before I stepped down to let Kjell do some QSOs. He was in a hurry and managed one QSO before Aage took over. I also worked Kjell on 145.550MHz when he had returned to his car.

It was very nice to meet Norby and his family and I hope they will have a pleasant stay in Norway!

Thanks to F8DZY for the spot on sotawatch.

Photo: Aage LA1ENA to the left and Norby LX1NO to the right

14MHz: 7 QSOs
144MHz: 1 QSO

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

LA/TM-001 Gaustatoppen

Today I finally found time to activate LA/TM-001 Gaustatoppen. My cellphone was almost out of battery so I only sent sms to Aage LA1ENA asking for a spot. Sorry to the rest of the LAs that normally receives a sms when I'm qrv. I started on 14.285MHz and worked 6 stations. I then QSYed to 7.118MHz and worked 10 more stations. After packing my gear I went back to the tourist cabin to shelter from the wind and cook my dinner. I had Beef and potato casserole from DryTech.

Thanks to Aage LA1ENA for the spots on sotawatch and to Ken/Einar GM0AXY for the spot on the DX cluster.

Photo shows the narrow ridge between the trigpoint and the tourist cabin.

14MHz: 6 QSOs
7MHz: 10 QSOs

Sunday, 9 August 2009

LA/TM-088 Sandvikheia

Aage LA1ENA and I activated LA/TM-088 today. My mother in law has fed me well this summer and Aage was very patient to wait for me when I needed to get my breath back! On the summit Aage erected his wire vertical and started calling cq on 40m while I used a 88 feet doublet on 20m. Later Aage QSYed to 30m and I tried some calls on 40m.

Please be aware that the rocks are very slippery when wet!

Thanks to PA3FYG for spotting me on sotawatch and to ON4EDM for spotting me on the DX cluster!

14MHz: 21 QSOs
7MHz: 4 QSOs
DL, OE, G, HB, GM, F, ON, PA, OK, GW

Summit to Summit:
DL3SBA/P on DM/RP-007
2W0LAE/P on GW/NW-049
G1INK/P on G/SP-004

7MHz: 21 QSOs
10MHz: 40 QSOs
DXCCs: G, DL, HA, OK, PA, HB, 9A, SM, ON, F, OM, S5, OH, LA, GW, UT, OE

Summit to Summit:
HA7UL/P on HA/KM-025
OK1DDQ/P on OK/JC-018
G4RQJ/P on G/LD-038
HB9/PA1AT/P on HB/SH-002

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Visitors from Germany

This week Dzianis DD1LD and his XYL Maria visited Telemark county during their vacation in Norway. I was still on my way home from vacation when Aage LA1ENA met them on Lifjell Monday but I managed to meet them on the parking spot by lake Bitdalsdammen before they started their two day hike to LA/TM-004 Fliseggi.

Both Maria and Dzianis are very nice people and we had a nice chat.

Thanks again for the Russian cookies! They tasted very good!

Blog entry is backdated

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Question of the day: Where is this?

On the way to the northern parts of Norway we drove by this sign:

Does anybody know where the photo was taken?
Please put your answer in the Comments field.

Monday, 3 August 2009

LA/HM-009 Tron

On our way home from vacation in the northern parts of Norway we stopped by at Tron near Alvdal. It was very foggy and we struggled a lot driving the unsecured gravel road to the summit. The visibility on the way up was only about 5 - 10 metres! I didn't want to push the safety limits so I decided to activate just inside the AZ and not look for the highest point in the fog.

I got out of the car and walked the last 100 metres by foot. This is not my favorite modus operandi and it almost felt like cheating! I worked 5 stations on 14.285MHz before I QSYed to 7.118MHz without selfspotting on sotawatch. I was soon answered by 2 G-stations. I soon decided to return to the car as the wind was heavy and the rain was pouring down.

Road fee: 50 NOK

14MHz: 5 QSOs
7MHz: 2 QSOs

Blogentry is backdated