Saturday 16 January 2010

LA/TM-043 Sveinsbuvarden

After skiing for about two hours we arrived at the summit. Aage LA1ENA erected a wire vertical and I used my 88ft doublet. I started on 40m but could not hold the QRG very long due to QRM so I QSYed to 20m. Although it was windy and a few degrees bellow zero it was raining! The rain froze instantly on our clothing and all of our gear. At the end my hands were to cold and numb to operate the cellphone so I couldn't selfspot my QSYs to 80m and 60m on sotawatch. We had planned a long activation but after a while we were freezing so we decided to head for the cabin.

When we arrived the cabin it was -8°C inside. We lighted the oven and a lot of candles and after some hours it was almost too hot inside! We erected a temporary random wire antenna outside the cabin but the result was rather poor. Best DX from the cabin was 5B4AIF on 40m SSB worked with 5w.

We had planned to do some HF operations on the summit on the way back to the car but the wind and the temperature made us reconsider. We decided to go give some calls on 2m and I worked LA5OGA on 145.550MHz before we headed home.

7MHz: 6 QSOs
14MHz: 5 QSOs
5MHz: 1 QSO
DXCCs: DL, F, G, ON, OE, S5, RA

144MHz: 1 QSO

Road fee: 50nok

Blog entry is backdated

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mads!

    you Norwegians are very tough guys! Respect! I haven't done any winter activations this year... We have permanent avalanche warnings this month. What about Kjell? Did he stop activating the Holtankollen?

    It seems that we will visit Norge for two weeks again, I guess, in the End of July/in the beginning of August. Maria and me are still discussing about a trekking tour through Hardangervidda or Jotunheime with some occasional SOTA activities. I drop a message in your mail box later. But probably we will meet before in F'Hafen @ HAM RADIO 2010?!

    Warm greeting to Aage and your Norwegian SOTA Gang from Munich!

    So long,
    73 de Dzianis, DD1LD
