The weather was lovely when XYL and I ascended Holtankollen. The car thermometer showed 27ºc outside when we parked the car. I started at 14.287.5MHz but the QRG was soon taken by some QRO contest station working the King of Spain contest. I QSYed to 14.300MHz and managed to work one HA-station. After this I moved to 7.120MHz and worked 3 G-stations.
We followed the path to the other side of the summit before we headed back towards the car park along the path by the foot of the hill. From the car we spotted a fox bitch with 3 puppies playing on the field by the farm. On another field not far from the airport a deer was enjoying the green grass.
Thanks to HA7UG for the spot on the DX Cluster!
Photo shows XYL on the summit.
14MHz: 1 QSO
7MHz: 3 QSOs
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Sunday, 21 June 2009
LA/TM-051 Nibbenutan
During our weekend at the cabin XYL and I decided to activate LA/TM-051. I chose not to start on 40m today as the WX was rather unstable. I worked 18 stations on 20m in 18 minutes.
Before heading back to the car I checked in to LA1C with the weekly QSTLA network.
14MHz: 18 QSOs
3.7MHz: 1 QSO
DXCCs: ON, G, DL, HA, HB, 9A, S5, SM, LA
Before heading back to the car I checked in to LA1C with the weekly QSTLA network.
14MHz: 18 QSOs
3.7MHz: 1 QSO
DXCCs: ON, G, DL, HA, HB, 9A, S5, SM, LA
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
LA/TM-065 Høgebrun
I had decided to activate LA/TM-065 for the International QRP Day. I started off on 40m as usual but was only able to work one station. I QSYed to 20m and worked 12 stations. Later I QSYed from band to band and worked 23 stations during the activation. I'm not sure how many QRP stations I worked.
The trig point marker had fallen over during the winter as one of the guy wires were broken. I managed to mend it but decided not to use the marker as antenna support.
I signed the sota guest book sheet under the large stone before heading home. The sheet was placed there by Aage LA1ENA last year.
On my way back to the car I spotted a lynx! That's not too common!
Thanks to OK1HCG and GW7AAV for spots on sotawatch.
7MHz: 5 QSOs
14MHz: 18 QSOs
Blogentry is backdated
The trig point marker had fallen over during the winter as one of the guy wires were broken. I managed to mend it but decided not to use the marker as antenna support.
I signed the sota guest book sheet under the large stone before heading home. The sheet was placed there by Aage LA1ENA last year.
On my way back to the car I spotted a lynx! That's not too common!
Thanks to OK1HCG and GW7AAV for spots on sotawatch.
7MHz: 5 QSOs
14MHz: 18 QSOs
Blogentry is backdated
Monday, 15 June 2009
June 17 - International QRP Day
As some of you might know I always operate at QRP levels on my SOTA activations. To celebrate the International QRP Day I hope for a lot of 2-way QRP QSOs on my activation June 17.
I'm a G-QRP and QRP-ARCI member and a 2-way QRP QSO will count towards the Worked G-QRP club and Worked All ARCI awards.
I'm a G-QRP and QRP-ARCI member and a 2-way QRP QSO will count towards the Worked G-QRP club and Worked All ARCI awards.
LA/TM-023 Jøronnatten
The HF conditions today were not that good as I only managed to work 2 stations on 40m and 7 on 20m. The reports I received was also a bit lower than usual.
Thanks to HB9AGH for spotting me on sotawatch.
7MHz: 2 QSOs
14MHz: 7 QSOs
144MHz: 1 QSO
G, HB, MW(/MM), HA, F, GM, LA
Road fee: NOK 40, coins only
Edit: Video added June 16 2009
Thanks to HB9AGH for spotting me on sotawatch.
7MHz: 2 QSOs
14MHz: 7 QSOs
144MHz: 1 QSO
G, HB, MW(/MM), HA, F, GM, LA
Road fee: NOK 40, coins only
Edit: Video added June 16 2009
Sunday, 7 June 2009
LA/TM-029 Gygrestolen
Todays activation had all kinds of weather: sun, rain, thunder and lightning, wind and hail. XYL and I made a shelter from the weather out of my Mountain Tarp (Helsport Fjellduk Pro).
I started on 40m as usual but could not get any answers. When I QSYed to 20m the first station I could hear was GX4MWS/P, Macclesfield & District Radio Society. Strange coincidence as I was in Macclesfield in October 2008. I told Adrian the operator that I knew Sean, Jimmy and Tom.
On our way back to the car we took the other way to complete the round trip.
Thanks to M0NRH, ON5KL and ON6DSL for spots on the DX Cluster.
14MHz: 23 QSOs
DXCCs: G, ON, MM, HB9, LA, 9A, DL, GW, EI
S2S: 1 QSO, LA1ENA/P on LA/TM-014
I started on 40m as usual but could not get any answers. When I QSYed to 20m the first station I could hear was GX4MWS/P, Macclesfield & District Radio Society. Strange coincidence as I was in Macclesfield in October 2008. I told Adrian the operator that I knew Sean, Jimmy and Tom.
On our way back to the car we took the other way to complete the round trip.
Thanks to M0NRH, ON5KL and ON6DSL for spots on the DX Cluster.
14MHz: 23 QSOs
DXCCs: G, ON, MM, HB9, LA, 9A, DL, GW, EI
S2S: 1 QSO, LA1ENA/P on LA/TM-014
Friday, 5 June 2009
LA/TM-038 Himingen
Today I decided to activate Himingen. The cell phone coverage on the summit was rather poor and I had to use 15 minutes to find a place where I could log on to sotawatch and spot my activation. I also tried to SMS the usual LA/TM chasers but all the messages were rejected. Sorry guys!
On 40m I heard two stations at the same time. I got back to G0TDM but sadly the mix of the two stations unlabeled me to work any of them. I experienced a lot of QSB but managed to work 8 stations before QSYing to 20m.
Thanks to Steve G1INK for the spot on 20m.
7MHz: 8 QSOs
7MHz: 9 QSOs
DXCCs: ON, DL, OE, G, EI, S5, HB9, GW
Road fee: NOK 50, coins or credit card
On 40m I heard two stations at the same time. I got back to G0TDM but sadly the mix of the two stations unlabeled me to work any of them. I experienced a lot of QSB but managed to work 8 stations before QSYing to 20m.
Thanks to Steve G1INK for the spot on 20m.
7MHz: 8 QSOs
7MHz: 9 QSOs
DXCCs: ON, DL, OE, G, EI, S5, HB9, GW
Road fee: NOK 50, coins or credit card
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
LA/VF-002 Vindfjell
The weather was nice when I parked my car and started the walk to Vindfjell today. On the summit it was rather windy. I erected my doublet antenna at the view point about 50 meters from the cairn. I started to listen for E-openings at 10m but could not hear any stations. I QSYed to 40m and worked 14 stations before I turned to 20m. Before I packed my gear I also worked one local LA station on 2m.
Thanks to DL6MZ and G3OHC for spotting on sotawatch and to HA7UG and ON5KL for spotting on the DX cluster.
7MHz: 14 QSOs
14MHz: 13 QSOs
144MHz: 1 QSO
DXCCs: HB9, ON, G, OK, DL, OZ, PA, HA, EI, S5, 9A, GW, I, LA
Road fee: 55 NOK payed by giro transfer
Thanks to DL6MZ and G3OHC for spotting on sotawatch and to HA7UG and ON5KL for spotting on the DX cluster.
7MHz: 14 QSOs
14MHz: 13 QSOs
144MHz: 1 QSO
DXCCs: HB9, ON, G, OK, DL, OZ, PA, HA, EI, S5, 9A, GW, I, LA
Road fee: 55 NOK payed by giro transfer
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