Thursday, 30 April 2009

LA/TM-049 Holtankollen

Tonight I activated Holtankollen. My plan was to work Sean M0GIA pedestrian mobile on The Cloud but nothing was heard. We'll make it next time Sean! I managed to work a 4X stations on 18MHz.

7MHz: 6 qsos
14MHz: 6 qsos
18MHz: 1 qso
145MHz: 1 qso

DXCCs LA, G, EI, SV, 9A, ON, DL, GM, 4X, CT1

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

LA/TM-017 Store Havsåsen

Today it was time to activate Store Havsåsen. I decided to walk LA1ENAs "secret" path and parked my car by the road. I had some difficulties finding the path. At the summit I rigged up the doublet antenna and started calling on 80m. No takers. I QSYed to 7.120MHz and after a minute I had a little pile-up. I also worked some stations on 20m before I returned home.

7MHz: 9 qsos
14MHz: 6 qsos

DXCCs: 9A, G, DL, GM, OE, HA

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

LA/TM-012 Svarteberget

Today I decided to activate Svarteberget (Black Mountain). Someone had put up some blue ribbons to mark a different path to the summit. I followed that path but found it to be longer than the original one. On my way down I found out that this was done due to snow on the original track. I started off on 80m but didn't get any answers. On 7.118MHz I was answered by DD6DO/P but sadly we were not able to complete the qso. I heard him QSY to 7.120MHz and I think that confused some of the chasers as I heard some of them call for me on his qrg. When done at 40m I QSYed to 20m and worked some more stations. When packing up my gear I listened on 145.550 and worked Kjell LA1KHA/M. This qso was heard by two operators from Vestfold and they both called me.

Summit to Summit
I worked HA5MA/P and HA5LV/P on HA/KD-032.
I almost worked DD6DO/P on DM/TH-583 but I'm quit sure that Stephan was not able to copy the 52 report I gave him. We'll make it next time Stephan.

14MHz: 6 QSOs
7MHz: 6 QSOs
145MHz: 3 QSOs


Sunday, 26 April 2009

LA/TM-066 Dalfjellet

Yesterday LA1ENA, LA1KHA and myself activated Dalfjellet. Aage and Kjell started ahead of me and was already on the air when I arrived.

We spotted a toxic viper.

7MHz: 37 QSOs
14MHz: 4 QSOs
DXCCs: DL, G, ON, SM, 9A, LY, OE, GM, HA, OK, YL, PA, LX, UA og EA

10MHz: 31 QSOs
DXCCs: DL, F, G, GW, GM, GI, LX, OH,OK, PA, SM, UA og 9A

3.5MHz: 2 QSOs
7MHz: 5QSOs

Parking spot: Dal sag south of the summit

Blog entry is backdated

Sunday, 19 April 2009

LA/OS-003 Tryvannshøgda

On our way home from the Norwegian Hammeeting we decided to take a short detour to activate Tryvannshøgda. Aage worked cw on 40m and I worked ssb on 20m.

14MHz: 5 (4) qsos

Norwegian Hammeeting 2009

Aage LA1ENA, Hans-Petter LA6GOA and myself have just returned from the Norwegian Hammeeting. During the weekend we've talked to Bjørn LB1GB (LA AM), Knut LA2HLA (soon sota activator), Halvard LA1DNA (activator), SM6CMU (activator and chaser) and SM6DER (chaser).

It was very nice to meet all of you in person!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

LA/NT-019 Hundhammarfjellet

During my easter vacation to Salsbruket in Nord-Trøndelag county I got the chance to activate LA/NT-019. The activation suffered from a huge amount of QRM (S8 to S9) from the 16 surrounding wind mills. I worked 5 stations on 20m but could not hear any on 40m.

14MHz: 5 qsos
DXCCs: HB9, S5, HA, DL, F

Blog entry is backdated