Wednesday 24 December 2008

Christmas activation

This morning I had decided to activate Holtankollen LA/TM-049. I was qrv from UTC 07.53 on 7.125MHz but had to qsy due to BC qrm on that frequency. I changed to 7.150MHz where it was much more quiet. I know I worked M0GIA/P, Sean, from the Cloud but I'm not quit sure that Tom, M1EYP/P, got my report. I will send him an e-mail and ask him to confirm the qso. The 40m band suffered from a lot of qsb and qrm and even some static today. I qsy'ed to 14.287.5MHz but only managed to work Aage, LA1ENA. I also worked Kjell, LA1KHA/M on 2m before heading home.

Thanks to all the chasers!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!



7MHz: 12 qsos
14MHz: 1 qso
145MHz: 1 qso

Edit: I've received e-mails from both Tom and Sean confirming 2-way qsos.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mads! Very nice post, congratulation for this activation... I hope to meet you again on the air... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
    IW2NFP, Luca
