Wednesday, 31 December 2008

New Year activation of LA/TM-029

Today I activated LA/TM-029. I alerted for 20m, 40m and 80m and brought my 2*13,4m doublet. I started on 20m and had 15 qsos in 15 minutes! When things got quiet on 20m I took a short break for a cup of hot Chicken Soup. After the break I went looking for a quiet frequency on 40m but couldn’t find any! I tried some calls on 80m and managed to work Aage, LA1ENA. I heard GM7UAU call me but he was not able to hear my answer.

It was -10° when I left home. My thermometer showed 0° during the activation but that has to be wrong! My guess is that it was more like -7° or -8° as my breath constantly turned to ice on my beard. This was the final activation this year. See you in 2009! Happy New Year!

14MHz: 15 qsos

3.6MHz: 1 qso

DXCCs: G, 9A, DL, ON, F, S5, LA

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Christmas activation

This morning I had decided to activate Holtankollen LA/TM-049. I was qrv from UTC 07.53 on 7.125MHz but had to qsy due to BC qrm on that frequency. I changed to 7.150MHz where it was much more quiet. I know I worked M0GIA/P, Sean, from the Cloud but I'm not quit sure that Tom, M1EYP/P, got my report. I will send him an e-mail and ask him to confirm the qso. The 40m band suffered from a lot of qsb and qrm and even some static today. I qsy'ed to 14.287.5MHz but only managed to work Aage, LA1ENA. I also worked Kjell, LA1KHA/M on 2m before heading home.

Thanks to all the chasers!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!



7MHz: 12 qsos
14MHz: 1 qso
145MHz: 1 qso

Edit: I've received e-mails from both Tom and Sean confirming 2-way qsos.

Thursday, 18 December 2008

LA/TM-015 - Geitebuvarden

Today I activated LA/TM-015. I managed to get 16 qsos even though I had a lot of qrm on the frequencies. I'm really looking forward to march 29. when the BC-stations has to cease operation on 7.100 - 7.200. I tried to contact LA1KHA on 2m. I heard him but he was not able to hear me.

I stopped at the highest point (Toppen) and did not bother to walk all the way to the wooden cairn. Funny that the main cairn is located 400 meters away from the highest point.

14 MHz: 1 qso
7 MHz: 15 qsos

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

LA/TM-015 - Aborted activation

My plans for today was to activate Geitebuvarden LA/TM-015 but it was all grey and rainy so I decided to stay at home.

LA/TM-010 - Skrehelle

My doctor have ordered me to stay home from work this week and also to walk as much as possible. Yesterday I activated Skrehelle - LA/TM-010 in very foggy conditions. I had 17 QSOs and had to break up in the middle of a small pileup to descent safe before it was getting too dark. I activated 2m, 20m and 40m.

DXCCs: S5, HA, F, LA, GW, G, ON, DL