Sunday, 26 July 2009

LA/TR-016 Storhornet

During the RSGB IOTA contest today I activated LA/TR-016 with the IOTA reference EU-033. I Worked 8 stations before I got bored and spotlited myself on 14.330MHz. I worked 18 more stations, most of them regular sota chasers. I was very happy to work Halvard LA1DNA and Hans Petter LA6GOA in the southern part of Norway on 40m.

I walked from the valley between Litlehornet and Storhornet.

Photo: LA/TR-017 Litlehornet and LA/TR-015 Elgen to the left of the trig point

14MHz: 22 QSOs
7MHz: 4 QSOs
DXCCs: DL, G, PA, GM, RA, OM, HA, ON, 9A, LA

Saturday, 25 July 2009

LA/TR-022 Kjelhusåsen

This evening XYL and myself went for a walk to LA/TR-022. The WX was lovely with 24°C. I had to QSY well above 14.300 to get away from the contesters in the IOTA contest and I didn't dare to mention that I was on IOTA EU-033 because I had a limited amount of time available and didn't want to get an IOTA pileup.

I also managed to work Aage LA1ENA 2-way QRP on 40m.

14MHz: 5 QSOs
7MHz: 1 QSO
DXCCs: 9A, G, ON, LA

Friday, 24 July 2009

LA/TR-017 Litlehornet

Today XYL and myself decided to climb Litlehornet. When turning on my FT-817 I heared Carolyn GW6WRW calling CQ sota on 14.285MHz and I managed to work her summit to summit. I QSYed to 14.280MHz and worked some familiar callsigns before I suddenly was called by a lot of unfamilar calls. It turned out that G4OBK had posted my IOTA reference (EU-033) on the DX Cluster.
I also tried 40m but didn't get any answers.

Thanks to G4OBK and ON4BB for spots on the DX Cluster.

Photo shows XYL on the summit.

14MHz: 18 QSOs

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Swedish activators in Norway!

From July 7 to July 10 SM0GNS Peder, SM0NJO Magnus and SM5HJZ Jonas will be hiking in Norway. They bring ham radios and will try to activate LA/HM-007 and perhaps also LA/HM-008 and LA/HM-005 if the WX is not to bad.

Activity will be on HF bands and 50MHz.

Good luck guys and enjoy your trip!

More info on this reflector thread: